Friday, May 27, 2005

My second proposal

Last night was the birthday party to end all birthday parties. We were all really really tired after ProGrad (of which I will post later), so we were a little loopy, and everything happened slowly. Really, the most interesting parts of the party happened late (as they are wont to do). Justin's presents are always epic. Last night's was no exception. It was the Mormon version of all the things I can do now that I'm 18. Candy cigarettes, spray paint, and of course dry ice were all represented. But then I reached the bottom of the bag and pulled out a ring pop. What the? He sat up, leaned over, and said "Mary, will you marry me?" *crickets chirping* "What?" "Marry me." "Whoa." Apparently you can't get married without parental consent till you're 18 either. I was surprised, but the ring pop was tasty. What's your read?


Blogger anna said...

Let's just think of it as a ring pop for now. But he is a SWEETHEART. I hope to get to hang out with him in August. :)

5/28/2005 04:16:00 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Definitely. He asked about you last night, and said we should all hang out. We will. :-)

5/28/2005 11:33:00 AM  
Blogger anna said...

I'm sorry I was so absentee. I was exhausted suddenly. But in August I will be a new (unemployed) woman.

5/29/2005 07:53:00 AM  

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