Sunday, July 03, 2005

You make me feel like dancing

Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
K and I went to Dennis Weaver park (or James D. Craig, if you want to get technical) last night and played on the playgound equipment. We drank watermelon Eegees and swung, and then K did a magical dance. It was really really fun.


Blogger anna said...

What? Dennis Weaver has a new name? And watermelon eegees were always winners. I never got so much into eegees as some people, but I liked the watermelon ones. Also black cherry. I'm just a chocolate girl at heart -- fruit things don't do much for me. M, the hot chocolate at City Bakery comes in cold and it is absolutely the most amazing substance ever.

7/04/2005 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

I am a fan of the peach-berry and lime Eegees. Also watermelon. They renamed Dennis Weaver, I think 2 years ago. Mr. Craig donated a bunch of money to redo the playground equipment. The name hasn't really caught on though. Everyone I know still calls it Dennis Weaver.

7/04/2005 01:29:00 PM  
Blogger anna said...

Lime? Ooh. Sounds sour. I am not a sour kind of person. I like things eye-poppingly sweet. Like the chocolate mousse pie I am THISCLOSE to requesting for my quarter century party.

7/04/2005 05:43:00 PM  

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