Sunday, November 21, 2004

Whoa...the weekend

This weekend was a non-stop socializing extravaganza. On Friday night I went to see Anne-Marie in the Greenfields musical (City of Angels). It was actually pretty good, and for a bunch of kids, they did a pretty good job of carrying off the humor, which might easily have evaded them. Although I went with Charlie, due to his space-cadet status, we arrived separately and at wildly different times. It was still fun however, and I am glad I went. Afterwards, in the freezing parking lot, we had a "let's be friends" conversation. I thought this would bother me, but upon reflection, it actually doesn't. I think part of it was that my friends were so behind this whole thing that I kind of talked myself into making it a bigger and better deal than it actually was. In retrospect, I'm kind of relieved. Of all possible "endings" this is a pretty great one. So Friday was not a loss at all, especially when Rosie called me after the play to let me know that her parents were letting her drive up to Tucson for the night on Saturday/Sunday. Hence, Saturday was insane. In the morning there was much frantic changing of sheets, vacuuming of kitchens, and general sprucing by orders of the Mom-in-Chief. At 11:30, I left the house to go to Doug's for a surprise birthday for Josephine. The party was a ton of fun. Doug had a pinata and a game of pin the pirate on the X, and there was chocolate cake. I got to see people I hadn't seen in a long time, and we had an awesome time. They are easily my nerdiest friends, as well as some of the funnest. Cotter is really into this variety of martial arts that involves swords, so after we got tired of whacking at the pinata, he took his sword and hacked it neatly in half in one swing. It was really very impressive. The sword went straight through the cnady, and we kept finding starbursts and crunch bars severed neatly in two. The hacking was followed Chinese and general fooling around with silly string, party hats, and birthday games. At about 5, Rosie came, and we ordered take-out Chinese food which was fun. We then watched Fargo, which was bloody, but kind of along the lines of Pulp Fiction with obnoxious midwestern accents. It was a great weekend. Also great is the news of our Thanksgiving plans. We're all going to eat dinner next door at Grandma's on Thursday, and then on Friday the "big people" except for Grnadma are going out to the ranch. I am to be allowed to stay here! Wahoo! Mom says that she thinks Grnadma would be more comfortable with someone right next door, and I am more than delighted to be the one to stay. Hurrah for Thanksgiving!


Blogger anna said...

That's awesome about Thanksgiving! Would that I were there...

So you're happy with the Charlie thing? Who initiated it? Did he say why that's what he wanted? I think it's good, if you're happy.

11/22/2004 10:28:00 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

I intiated it, but it was immediately obvious that he'd been thinking about it too. I am happy with it though. It seems like the right thing, and it totally was less weird than it could have been. I think we're pretty much on the same page about it all, which is good.

11/22/2004 05:40:00 PM  
Blogger anna said...

Sounds good. You don't need an unreliable boy.

11/22/2004 06:31:00 PM  
Blogger anna said...

PS- I am LOVING your color scheme more and more every time I look at it. You are one classy dame. :)

11/23/2004 08:40:00 AM  

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