Monday, February 14, 2005

What a Frabjous Day

Today was lovely. Lovely I tell you! I woke up, despite nightmares about having missed my alarm, right on time, went to yoga, and returned home to cereal and this sparkly gift. Right after that, I went to the orthodontist, and emerged two hours later completely braces free! I have the HUGEST most SHINY teeth EVER. They are marvelous. In one week I'll head back in to pick up my retainers (gold glitter for the bottom, and clear like an invisalign for the top), which I'll wear full time for a week, and after that only at night. Whee! Then I went back to school, which was only a slight letdown, as, joyfully, I'd already missed English. Then, when I picked up the mail, I got the letter telling me that I've made finalist status for National Merit... :-) The only weird (but nice) thing that happened today occurred when I got back from babysitting the little Maddens. When I had been home for about 10 minutes, who should ring the doorbell but Justin Hyatt and his bike. He brought me flowers. On his bike. And his bike broke on the way, so we had to fix it before he could leave. Sweet, if a little odd. So, I have teeth, chocolate, a pretty necklace, and flowers. Net positive for me!


Blogger anna said...

What a wonderful day. I love days like that, the ones that are just frabjous all around.

2/14/2005 08:23:00 PM  

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