Sunday, November 28, 2004

In Which I Spend the Weekend on My Own (Mostly)

The post-Thanksgiving weekend was nice. Not superbly fabulous, but thoroughly nice. Nothing very earth shattering happened, but the peace and quiet was lovely. In classic Grandma fashion, we had pure, unadulterated leftovers for dinner on both nights. This was no less than expected. She really gets a kick out of leftovers. Needless to say, however, I was VERY ready for the omelette I made myself for tonight. (The 'rents were having--that's right, you guessed it--leftovers.) Also, Mom made chocolate chip cookies. They are to-die-for-perfect. Bliss. Pure Bliss. In the living room, M, D, and Pat are having what appears to be movie night. So far they've watched both Chicken Run and Lost in Translation. I wait in suspense to hear what they choose next. The sports news here has been surprising. Not only did the U of A basketball team nearly beat Wake Forest (in a highly suspenseful last 30 seconds, we lost by the bare minimum of points), but the football team actually beat ASU. SHOCKING. Grandma and Grandpa were thrilled. And now I have to work on my paper about Jupiter. Hooray for the primordial solar nebula. Also the magnetosphere. Also the protoplanetary nebula. Also liquid metallic hydrogen.


Blogger anna said...

Last night, I was pretty sure Ed's feet were made out of liquid metallic hydrogen. They were certainly cold enough...

11/29/2004 10:21:00 AM  
Blogger Ed said...

Mm. Moving right by the feet comment (_GLASS HOUSES_), did I ever tell you about Robin Canup? She's one of the astrophysicists working on figuring out how Jupiter got its moons. Interesting stuff. Apparently Pluto's quite an intriguing protoplanetary case. Or was it Uranus? I can never remember...

11/30/2004 05:36:00 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

I'm pretty sure it's Pluto. Some people think that since its orbit it so off kilter from the others that it must be an asteroid pulled into orbit by Neptune. Very cool.

12/01/2004 03:24:00 PM  

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