Thursday, December 23, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 23rd Elcomeway Ootay theay Orldway Ideway Ebway.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 22nd 'Twas the night before Christmas...or 'twas it?

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 21st It's all HIS fault.

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 20th Ever wondered what your smurf name is? Probably not. Try it anyway.

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 19th Where's that weird noise coming from?

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 18th Oh please don't give me that old time religion...

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 17th A ain't for "apple" anymore.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 16th Make a paper snowflake without all that inconvenient paper.

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 15th Show me the money!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 14th The cookie commands you. Obey. (Seriously, hit the refresh key a couple times when it tells you to. Trust me on this one.)

Monday, December 13, 2004

Kelly Rose

The little girl I babysit on Mondays and Fridays is a lot like my little cousin Carmen, and she keeps saying the weirdest things. For instance, this afternoon while we were meticulously sifting dirt to make "extra gloopy mud" she asked me if I had a boyfriend. When I said I didn't, she informed me that I should get one quick because, she had heard, they got much more expensive in college. ??? Expensive? Really? That's a new one for me.

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 13th If I had a lot of spare time and some modeling clay, I would definitely try to make a few of these miniature oranges.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 12th A really good way to ruin your silverware.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 11th Paperclips. They're not just for paper anymore.

Virtual Catch Up

December 10th Feeling Profound?

Virtual Catch Up

December 9th Wanna Play?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Actual Post

I realize that I haven't actually updated you on my life lately, so here goes: Formal was really fun. I have a few pictures, but K's are much better, so I'll wait a bit and see if I can get her to email them to me so you guys can see them. Suffice to say, there was a chocolate fountain. This week we've been finishing off this month's issue of the Palantir, so things have been pretty majorly crazy. Our News editor got suspended for drugs, so Cl and I have taken over News for now, as well as our own sections, and the paper is 16 pages instead of 12, so there's been a lot of work. I'm pretty sure that the whole thing got sent off just fine at 5 pm though, so come Friday we'll be seeing how it all went. One of my pages was really work intensive and should be very cool. (Fingers Crossed.) I got up early today and spent two full class periods (210 minutes) in Palantir, plus lunch (35 minutes), plus an hour after school, so I've seen much much more of my Mac's screen than I really wanted to. 'Smatter of fact, I'm going to go do something less flickery right now. Love you (all two of you) dearly...

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 8th Some people have FAR too much time on their hands. These are all amazing.

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 7th Make your own lego man. I reccomend playing around with the rest of the site. It is truly "reasonably clever".

Monday, December 06, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 6th This is my math teacher and his ubernerdy Academic Decathalon team of about three years ago at state. And to think, I know ALL of those people. I even like most of them. Crazy. You should see the BORing pictures the other teams took. Way to go CDO!

Sunday, December 05, 2004


December 4th Some people will fly anything, including what looks like large bunches of grapes. Check out "Concord Flight".


On December 4th, I failed to post. So, retroactively, here's: December 4th I ate two of these last night. They are extremely tasty. My favorite kind is the one second from the bottom left.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 3rd Three starts with "t". "T" is for "tired". I am tired. So, apparently, are a lot of people. Slate weighs in.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Applicationitis: a late(ish)-night poetic toast to the season

I caught a gross disease today, One I thought I'd squashed before I caught it on the internet It was lurking like before. It's applicationitis and it's something like the flu-- For you get it in December Just before the year is new. It's itchy and it's scratchy And it's catching as can be: You can catch it almost anywhere From here to furthest Tripoli. Guess it's good the light is shining Just on down the tunnel black 'Cause I've got applicationitis Like a monkey on my back.

Virtual Advent Calendar

December 2nd Today's Advent Item is a Factoid. Did you know that Jupiter (pictured above behind the moon Io) has more than 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets combined? I did.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Virtual Advent Calendar

The Garden hereby invites you to partake in the Virtual Advent Calendar. Each day of December (death, dismemberment, and laceration withstanding), I will bring you some new marvel. Is this a random thing to do? YES! And that's why I like it. Without further ado... December 1st Chocolate? No. It's better. That's gianduja, hazlenut flavored chocolate goo. (Italian, of course...)

Dress Search 2004

Winter Formal
Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
The search for the dress is complete. Although this picture is (I know) kind of inadequate, I thought you'd all like to know. It's pink, and comes down about 3 inches below my knees. It makes me quite happy. That is all.