Free Internet!
I have truly found the land of milk and honey. The apartment of my new best friend, Klara, who happens also to go to Stanford, has free wireless internet. This is the miracle to end all miracles. It's free! And I can use it on my own computer! And did I tell you about the free?!? My only restraint is the battery life of my laptop since I foolishly did not bring my charger. This is no object. I am in raptures.
I am approaching my last week here, and as such, I am planning to fill it with present buying. This is both delightful and terrifying, as I like getting people things, but kind of hate shopping.
Last night, we all went to the outdoor movie theater to see Pride and Prejudice. It was amazingly cool. The movie was mediocre, but it was shown in an awesome old Roman theater, and there were stars overhead and fireflies flashing everywhere. WE all sat on the steps of the theater and drank beer and made fun of Keira Knightly. August is almost over, and with it, my stay here in Perugia. I'm both delighted and sad to be leaving. I'll be glad to be heading back to the real world and back to school and my friends, but I'll be sad to be leaving nights like last night and the friends I've made here. (Or rather, most of them. One of them actually goes to Stanford, so I'll be able to see her whenever I want. :-) ) In short, I'm conflicted, but glad to be headed home.
My computer is complaining about its battery, so goodnight for now. Ciao, ragazzi. Buona Notte.
PRESENTS!! Fun. Well, we can't wait to see you.
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