Saturday, October 07, 2006

Economy Size

My roommate AD works for the SHPRC (Sexual Health Peer Resource Center) on campus. Most of her work so far involves giant economy sized bags of things. Last week she bought 3 HUGE bags of candy to take to the center, all of which currently reside in her closet, so I wasn't shocked when she plunked down a full size garbage bag full of something in the corner of our living room a couple of days ago. I didn't even think about it until I came home last night to find the contents of the bag scattered on the floor. It turns out that our living room is currently the home of an entire GIANT GARBAGE BAG full of condoms (her boyfriend's visiting from UCLA. I don't even want to think about it. The sound effects were plenty, thank you very much.). We could single-handedly supply prophylactics to the entire dorm for at least a quarter. We could cut the birth rate in half. We could make an entire fleet of balloon animals. We could build an innovative inflatable raft. We could wallpaper the apartment. Cause people, it is a LOT of condoms.


Blogger Ed said...

I've often wondered if condom companies have special educational volume discounts. Or at least a non-profit rate.

10/08/2006 08:34:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This was kind of big for you wasn't it?

PS I like the army of baloon animals

2/12/2007 11:06:00 PM  

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