Sunday, July 17, 2005

Remember the letter?

You all probably remember the letter I got last year from a couple of my asshat friends proclaiming to be Princeton and saying some mean mean shit about me. I've forgiven one of them, but the asshattier one has just gotten himself kicked the hell out of Mary-land. The jerk had the presumption to ask ME to apologize to HIM for making a joke about how I wouldn't go to Rice (the jerk's school or choice...Sorry Rice. Tough luck.) simply because my sig other (as much as I hate the phrase)was going there. It was mostly a joke about the weather, but he didn't so much get an apology. Because he had the asshattedness to bring up The Letter, I let loose on him. I don't think we're going to be friends. Oh yeah, and the jerk did it on IM. PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE SON OF A...Actually, I quite like his mother. If you want a transcript, Trillian logged it and I'll send it to you. I'm very eloquent. He's very asshatted.


Blogger anna said...

GOOD FOR YOU. I would like to see it.

7/17/2005 02:57:00 PM  
Blogger anna said...

Also, that kid had better watch out if he ever gets in my way.

7/17/2005 03:01:00 PM  

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