Monday, September 26, 2005

First classes

So, I've had my first classes. By and large, they were uneventful. Mostly we just went over the syllabus and talked about procedure and things like that. Tonight I'm going to a lecture class that's 1 unit, once a week, which talks about computer science and robotics. It's pass/fail only and it should have very little to no work involved. I'm hoping it's also interesting. :-) On a side note, and the reason this post is here and not on Cupcakenation, my math professor is a total hottie. Also, the things he went over in the list of subjects we'll be covering all sound vaguely familiar, and I can definitely do the things he said we MUST be able to do. Thank goodness for Mr. Yetman. I am much less scared of this class than I was. (plus, the deliciousness of the lecturer will keep me from drifting off in class.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/26/2005 03:54:00 PM  
Blogger anna said...

I'm so glad they went well! Picking classes is very fun. :)

9/27/2005 06:59:00 PM  

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