Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Anna warned me, when the housing draw started here, that drama was a deep and entrenched tradition of housing draw the world over. I nodded, quaked in fear, and was pretty confident that I'd be just fine. After all, I had a group, right? HAH. Wrong. There has been a great upset in the world of the draw. It is as if I somehow managed to look the universe right in its mean, bloodshot little eyes and say "try me." The universe is MAD. My group abandoned me in a not-very-nice way, and I was left out in the cold. A lone draw-er with no dresser. (Oh god, the draw jokes just do NOT stop coming.) On my way back from class today, I composed a short note in my head to the universe. It went as follows.
Dear Universe: You just HAD to screw me over, didn't you? Well, fuck you. Love bunches, m PS. Please do not smite me.
The universe promptly wrote me back:
Dear Mary: Received your letter. We don't care. Cheers! -the Universe PS. Suck it up. You'll be fine.
Life was Not Good. Happily, all my years of being totally and completely charming payed off at this point [note heavy use of irony in the preceding] , when, through an enormous stroke of luck, I stumbled into a new and totally awesome draw group with some people I don't really know. They seem nice, they want me, they need me, and they want to live where I wanted to live in the first place. It's abosultely the best thing to come out of this that I could have asked for. But man, the Draw-ma sucks big time. And now I must go write 551 more words about the creation of the universe and of all time. No joke.


Blogger Ed said...

Hang tight. What goes around comes around. Eventually.

4/29/2006 11:13:00 AM  
Blogger anna said...

yes. the great wheel of karma will turn around and get them sooner or later. :)

4/29/2006 11:52:00 AM  

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