Thursday, February 02, 2006

Social Retard

I've figured out why LS has been SO ANNOYING lately! I think it's because she treats me like a social retard. For example, tonight she came to the room, giggled all OVER the place, got Jy, and giggled right on out. No word to me of "oh, hey, we're going to my ROTC thing," or even, "oh, hey Mary, we'll be back later!" Nope. Only "Hi, where's Jy?" That's it. As if I'm not going to notice! I mean, clearly it would be one thing if she were just my roommate's best friend, and we didn't know each other, but clearly, this is not the case. It's the blatant, really overt snubs that have been KILLING me. Oh, and it's not just me who thinks she's been kind of condescending about Er. She TOTALLY has. LM and I were talking over the LS situation, and she said she'd been feeling the same way and then went on to cite the EXACT things I'd noticed that had been annoying. Part of the problem is that LS is friendly, but not nice. It's the lacking in niceness combined with the rampant friendliness that makes her such a deadly force. She's great for a month at the outside, and then her not-niceness breaks through the force field of her compulsive friendliness. This is why I don't want her touching my life with a 10 foot pole. I know that I don't want to fight her--especially since she's a pretty powerful force, but I don't want her to affect my life in ANY way, since I have no faith in her or her ability to not screw it up. This applies especially strongly to my love life, and to the "Er THING" specifically. She knows his ex girlfriend pretty well, and she pretends to know Er better than I could possibly, although I absolutely don't buy that. However, all that KNOWING leaves her with HUGE power to interfere. She treats me like I'm about 5 and she needs to give advice, but really, judging from the dramatic death in flames of her last, oh, let's be conservative and say SIX relationship-type situations, I don't want her help, and I certainly don't want her condescension. OK. Ultimately irrelevant rant over. I have now officially vented to the internet and am once again ready to go back out and hide from her.


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