Thursday, January 27, 2005

Weebles Wobble but don't Fall Down

Despite the continuing interviews (at which I am starting to get quite good) things are going pretty well. I haven't had to speak to Ms. Jenkin inn a full two days, so how could they not be? My new yoga mat (orange with pink swirly things) is also a source of great joy. Under normal circumastances, the color combination would be altogether hideous, but since I only look at it in the semi-darkness before dawn and while contemplating my feet from downward facing dog, this is quite acceptable. Besides, it's almost as good as coffee. (OH, who am I kidding? It could never be as good as coffee. Coffee is god.) I'm a little fatigued at the moment, but I don't have to get up tomorrow untill nine or so, so that should solve the tired. Mumble. G'night. Happy Thursday.


Blogger anna said...

NOTHING is better than coffee. I can tell you that today, when Ed and I had a sad, sad morning of spoiled milk and (hence) no coffee in the apartment. I barely made it to Starbucks.

1/31/2005 08:50:00 AM  

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