Thursday, February 24, 2005

Gold Glitter aside...

...this damn thing HURTS! My bottom retainer (the kind with a wire and cool glittery plastic) has a hurty thing on the left side. I can't really tell what it is or why it hurts. Hell, I can't even see that part of my mouth. All I know is that the top one is God and the bottom one sucks. Big time. I think I ought to call my orthodontist and complain. Maybe he can grind something off of it to make it nicer. Hmmm... I spent time in the mall today, (a blessedly rare occurence) and managed not only to get a fabulous deal on my new smock-trial ready blazer, but not to get severe mall-glaze. I actually feel ok. Huh. Weird. Now if only I could swallow without remembering the damn poky place in there....


Blogger anna said...

Oh NO! Does it feel like wire? They should fix that. Unfortunately, it would mean going back, but if it hurts...

Congrats on blazer, smock trial, and non-glaze. All good things!

2/24/2005 08:47:00 PM  

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