Thursday, March 31, 2005

Since we last spoke

I've been accepted to Penn and not accepted to Columbia. Since I had already kind of eliminated Columbia by their extremely unfortunate application layout, I am undaunted. However, today has been a little deflating for my "the world revolves around me" theory. On the plus side, Penn is sounding great! 3 to go....


Says no. That's ok. I didn't like their weather anyhow.

So far...

...I've been waitlisted at Harvard, and the internet hates me. Everytime I almost get into the Penn and Yale sites, the traffic boots me off. I need like a priority number or something. ARgh. Silly internet. :-) Edit: And, although the Yale website says that the decisions are up, my personal one says that I ought to wait till tomorrow. I don't get it. Whatever. One more day. I can make it one more day. Right?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


..was so good! Aaaaa! Marshall...oozing! So good! Wow. I heart Marshall and his song. Hush little Marshall don't you cry... And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

And one more...

Tufts says yes! Dad is delighted. :-)

Monday, March 28, 2005

Brace Yourselves.

I've been waitlisted. By Pomona. Fortunately, this is no great loss, as I realized right after I applied that I really didn't want to go there. And, no I'm not just saying that. Did you know that they have 380 kids to a class? That's smaller than my high school class! Definitely not in the running. I suspect the issue may be that they didn't get Mr. Yetman's reccomendation untill about 3 weeks ago. Oh well. No skin off my nose. I'm going to send back the card to take myself off the waitlist. :-)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Prom times 2

I've been very remiss here lately. I thought I'd just give you the tale of the bicycle. We spent a couple of days writing clues (which Claire has promised to give me so that I can share them. They're pretty awesome.) and then we hid them in and around fountains all over Tucson last Saturday. While we were hiding, Charlie was at my house putting pedals on the bike and propping it up on my porch. When Justin called him to say that he was done with the Mormon play in which he was playing the ukelele, we were all set to go. We hid in the hedges at CDO, the site of the first clue. It was damp, it was dirty, and it was quiet. When Justin and Charlie arrived, we jumped out, and the real searching began. We trailed him all over, from the lions outside of Bluefin to PF Chang's to St. Phillips Plaza. Along the way, we hopped, we jumped, we giggled, and we cartwheeled. Justin danced in a fountain. It was great fun. After the grand presentation, Kelsey bailed because she had a desperate desire to go rent all of the seasons of Felicity and watch them. Such are the curiosities of my friends. The rest of us headed to Safeway to buy ice cream and spoons, and then went to pick up Charlie's car from the CDO parking lot where we had abandoned it. When we got there, we decided to go to Justin's house to eat the ice cream, and Charlie and I took his car. It was on the way from CDO to Justin's that Charlie told me that the Greenfields prom was April 2nd, and "we should do that." So I'm going. I'm slightly nervous about a night of knowing 2 people total, (Not including myself) but there you have it. When we got to Justin's, we ice creamed and looked at family pictures on the walls (of which there are an abundance). Hopefully we did not wake his brother and sister in law. There the night ended. No, I don't know what I'm wearing yet. Yes, I'm aware that I have one week. Planning is not our strong suit.

2 down...9 to go

Boston College is a go.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Treasure Hunt

In the car
Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
Join these three stunning beauties on a journey through Tucson guided by clues. Ok, so the actual clues aren't up yet, but check out the set. It pretty much covers the highlights of the evening, complete with notes. I have many more pictures, but I don't so much feel like spending the time to upload them all. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

New Stuff... up on Flickr. Check it out!

Singing in the Street

Singing in the Street
Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
A and I saw these guys in SoHo during my super-fun visit. They were really good. I'm working through the pictures now, but I thought you guys'd like to see this one.

Friday, March 18, 2005


While A is having Friday, Day of Fun, I seem to be having Friday, Day of Curly Hair. Seriously, it is all over the place. Ch is back from climbing whatever it was he was climbing, and the bike for J has arrived, so we will be giving it to him tonight in some sort of creative way. We're not quite sure what way that will be yet, but we are sure that it will be creative. M and D went to Nogales today to buy D his legality back, and so they've been out most of the day. No more exciting mail. My one exciting large letter has made me anxious again. I CANNOT POSSIBLY WAIT ANY LONGER!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Some surprises are nice

I am officially going to college. Washington University in St. Louis has accepted me. Yay! No U of A! It came via UPS. And early too! Hee. I'm feeling pretty smug.

Monday, March 07, 2005


I've finally decided to take the plunge and buy myself an ipod case. It's really kind of a necessity. I bought this one. Claire has this one in pink, and although the pink is really adorable, it would be cheating to copy her. Anyhow, the blue is cute too. It's nice, and it seems to be very practical. This will also make the car situation simpler, as I've found a place in the car that the clip on the case should attach to without much trouble. The Apple store is so seductive...I had a hard time persuading myself that I really didn't need a whole lot of cute things for ipod. *sigh*

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Candle Meditation

I learned today during yoga that, as my father has been contending for years, it is entirely possible to sleep with one's eyes open. We did "candle meditation" in yoga today (it was woo-woo day), and I'm fairly sure I fell asleep, eyes open, sitting up. There's only so long you can stare at a flame before it gets old. On the plus side, playing with fire is always good, no matter the circumstances.