Thursday, June 30, 2005

4 posts. I must be bored.

Here's what the poem generator thinks of my blog: The shadow sculptures, They are SERIOUSLY cool. I dream in the Squire and cockleshells, and cockleshells, and propped them down rivers and after making gobs of two images which we got lost, we charmed the glass I mean, this big project in Venetian canals. SO damn photogenic! posted by madcoolninjas. and measurements. the squiggles and then leaving tomorrow morning.


Imagine seeing this hanging over a canal in Venice. It's a chandlier by Dale Chihuly, the emperor of glass. I saw a PBS documentary on him, and he is so so cool. He did this big project in Finland, and after making gobs of gorgeous glass, he and his team floated them down rivers and propped them up against Stonehenge and floated them away in Venetian canals. SO incredibly beautiful.


Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
We went to Pennsylvania. There were a lot of our relatives. Luckily, there was also cake.

Masters of Deception

Check out some of these movies of Shigeo Fukuda's sculptures. They are SERIOUSLY cool. I especially recommend the shadow sculptures, in which a spotlight reveals that seemingly disorganized blobs of cutlery cast beautiful shadow-shapes. SERIOUSLY cool.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

In which we drive to Phoenix...

Who, me?
Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
...and much merriness ensues. New pictures up on Flickr from the "roadtrip" to K's interview. We sang along to our ipods on the radio, we took a left-hand highway exit, we got lost, we found the spaceship-like Phoenix main library, we rode the glass elevators, we met Rosie, we ate Pizookie, we charmed the waitress, and, as always, K looked incredible in all the pictures. The girl is just so damn photogenic!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I'm going to lunch with Ch. today, and then he's leaving tomorrow morning. When will he be back? Oh, I dunno, DECEMBER. Whatever. IN other news: Cl. and I are almost done cataloging the pots here at home, and I may be heading to Scottsdale today with K and Cl to keep K company on her drive to her scholarship interview. Yay for out of the house!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
I took this with the Elph, sitting in the very chair in which I now sit. It's purty, especially bigger. Hee. I like it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Aren't they gorgeous?

Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
Here we are, the squire and I, basking in the glow of the new gelateria. Sugar makes us so pretty! The mysterious squiggly action is the strange result of "night snapshot" mode on my new camera. I think it's a composite of two images and it takes the background first slowly (hence the squiggles) and then the foreground fast (hence our faces, in reasonable focus and non-squiggly). But that's just a theory. Anywhoo, we're looking pretty fine.

But wouldn't it melt?

I mean, this is definitely not a long term clothing investment.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Right Now...

...I am eating chocolate mousse. I thought you should know.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

ET Phone Home

Tonight was all that and a cup of gelato...until Dad called me home. He's gotten more worry-wart. Hum. I mean, it's not that I'm complaining, 12:30 is great, but they definitely didn't used to call. Something is different lately, and I can't quite figure it out.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Warning: extremities extremely unsafe...

In the past week, I have injured three fingers and two toes. That is a full 25% of my digits! Clearly there is some sort of dangerous epidemic sweeping the land. Beware!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Too much.

As we were leaving Justin's house and his slideshow of the Grand Canyon trip (no, read it right. Slideshow.), Charlie stopped dead in his tracks, threw his arms up, and said "So much Mormon!" Apparently 4 days in the wilderness with a Mormon youth group was a bit much, or as Charlie put it "an exercise in patience." Nice to know he won't be joining the dark(er) side. He then added that he and I would do something "fun" as opposed to the Mormon slideshow and corruption inspection before he leaves, which is, if I haven't mentioned it, in about a week. Harumph. How dare he leave me here? :-)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Daddy, what do Mormons listen to?

Well, little Debbi, as evidenced by the CD Justin gave Mary, entitled "Happiness," they listen to the following (or at least they give it to the girls they propose to):
  1. You've got a Friend in Me - Toy Story
  2. Piano Sonata - Someone Famous
  3. Believe - Yellowcard
  4. Don't Worry; Be Happy - Bobby McFarrin
  5. Sing to the Lord - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
  6. Falling For the First Time - Barenaked Ladies
  7. That's What Friends Are For - The Jungle Book (acappella version)
  8. That's the Way it Is - Celine Dion
  9. Friendship - Anything Goes
  10. Hakuna Matata - The Lion King
  11. Jackie Chan - Inside Out A Cappella
  12. Something very Drum-y and chantey
  13. Jellyman Kelly - James Taylor
  14. Good Morning Life - Dean Martin
  15. Lean on Me - Acappella version
  16. Chopsticks
  17. Man of Constant Sorrow - The Soggy Bottom Boys
  18. Favorite Things - The Sound of Music
  19. Rejoice - Someone Operatic
  20. Rockin' Robin - The Jackson 5
  21. Something swingey
  22. Me Neither - Brad Paisley
  23. Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
  24. We Can Fly - Peter Pan
Oh. Well that's good to know!


...hit Macaulay Culkin with the "hideous mug shot" stick. Man oh man.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Cupcake Nation

The page, it is different!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

That's it, I'm moving to Florence

Friday, June 03, 2005

One more reason why I can never be a Mormon (no matter how cute he is)

Wholesome Swimwear. I shudder.

Babies are not for me (for a very long time)

Despite her heartbreaking loveliness, I am mildly insane from all of the staying with Splash. I mean, she's lovely, sure, but she bites. All the time. I kid you not. And she can't be left alone for even 10 minutes. She howls the most piteous howl and I have to come down and talk her off the ledge, reassuring her that no, she is not being eaten alive by the vile and poisonous ants from the planet Nobodylovesme. The constant attention-giving? Not for me. Not yet, nor for a very long time. Rest assured, A, no neices and nephews for the forseeable forever. They're so much cuter in controlled doses....

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So Cute I Could Just Die

Splash 1
Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
She is the most adorable thing ever. EVER. OH, and nice picture, A.