Monday, August 29, 2005

The Stanford Years: Prologue

Since A and E are now in Stanford, it's beginning to seem like reality instead of some long delusion that I might go to Stanford. This is nice, in that it seems like something's happening, but it's also irritating, because it makes me realize just how ready I am for something to HAPPEN already! I am tired of waiting! Everyone's leaving for school and hanging out with their cool new friends (not that I don't have cool old friends already, but, you know), and here I am SITTING AROUND! I want to GO! I seriously never considered that one day I might have had my fill of summer, and although I know I'll look back on this in a month and wish I could have all this free time back, I am SO BORED with summer. I get up in the morning, and I putter around, basically doing nothing. Then I go out till late, doing nothing, go to bed, and wake up in the morning (ok, the afternoon sometimes) to do it all over again. I know, sounds great right? Well I've had 3 months of it now, and I can tell you, it gets old. Feel free to comment and email and tell me how silly it is to waste this being bored. What the hell, I could use the distraction.

Friday, August 26, 2005


10 bonus points go to anyone who can tell me what an isoparm is. I googled it, and the response was confusing. As far as I can tell, it has something to do with 3D modelling software...and possibly with coordinates in a 3D plane? Help?

Monday, August 22, 2005

It's Here!!!

I'm posting from my laptop. My brand-new, perfect, super-shiny, lovely laptop. It's love in a fifteen inch screen. FINALLY!!! Must go celebrate by transferring music files over network. Hooray!

Friday, August 19, 2005

In which I am Victorious (and Annoying)

Dear reader(s), I am loathe to confess that I have lied to you. When I told you that my computer was in the mail, I had the purest of intents. Little did I know that The Stanford Bookstore had other plans. Far from putting my order (which was in stock, I will have you know) right into a box and on its way to me, they had hoarded it jealously in their lairs. When it failed to appear by Wednesday, when it was expected, I feared that something was amiss, and I began to systematically harrass the poor employees of the abovementioned establishment. At first, I was forced to content myself with talking to the machine. "Sales Floor," quoth it, "Is NOT available." After a day of this, it was clear that the sales floor was NEVER going to be available. When I insisted on speaking to a live person (day two, call ten), I was told that my package hadn't shipped, and in fact, didn't seem to exist. Anyhow, the long and the short of it is that it was FINALLY shipped yesterday and will be here MOnday, or so help me god I will have someone's head on a platter. Now all I have to do is harass UPS to see if they'll let me pick it up somewhere before 5:30 on Monday. Impatient much? Aw hell yes. Most sincerely yours, Mary (Who will have her computer on monday, or there will be hell to pay.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A verdant paradise...

A verdant paradise...
Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
...with dog. Check out the new pics up on flickr!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Shiny and New

It's in the mail. It will be here Tuesday (probably). I am so excited I can hardly stand it.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So, where does this leave me?

I dreamed that I had triplets (not HAD, just had, *poof* they appeared.) and that I lost them. No, they didn't die, I literally misplaced my children. Not that I liked them much, but still. What does this mean? I just left them places. Like other people's cars and houses. Who LOSES their children?

Congratulations are in order...

...for Anna, who, by the time she reads this, will have finished the GMAT! Three cheers for Anna! And here's to rewards...I can't wait to see those shoes....

Monday, August 08, 2005

A day late and a dollar short... is updated. Yes, I know, I'm a day behind my self-imposed schedule. I'm OK with that.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

the addresses are eating my brain

...munch munch munch. The endless checking of addresses I am doing here at "work" is killing me slowly with its song. Did you know there's a town in NJ called Hackensack? I did. Claire told me. Now you do too. Yay for Hackensack!

Monday, August 01, 2005

*Broccoli* Nation

Is updated. *CODE* words due to paranoia. See below for source of paranoia.