Since A and E are now in Stanford, it's beginning to seem like reality instead of some long delusion that I might go to Stanford. This is nice, in that it seems like something's happening, but it's also irritating, because it makes me realize just how ready I am for something to HAPPEN already! I am tired of waiting! Everyone's leaving for school and hanging out with their cool new friends (not that I don't have cool old friends already, but, you know), and here I am SITTING AROUND! I want to GO!
I seriously never considered that one day I might have had my fill of summer, and although I know I'll look back on this in a month and wish I could have all this free time back, I am SO BORED with summer.
I get up in the morning, and I putter around, basically doing nothing. Then I go out till late, doing nothing, go to bed, and wake up in the morning (ok, the afternoon sometimes) to do it all over again. I know, sounds great right? Well I've had 3 months of it now, and I can tell you, it gets old.
Feel free to comment and email and tell me how silly it is to waste this being bored. What the hell, I could use the distraction.