Friday, June 02, 2006


The puking roommate is an unfortunate feature of college life. I mean, on the one hand, you feel bad for her. After all, nothing sucks more than a night of partying coming back up the way it went down. On the other hand, you want nothing more than for her to go have this important (but disgusting) college experience ANYWHERE other than your floor. As you may have guessed, I have tonight met that very phenomenon. J's friends threw her an early birthday party, and then when they got too wasted to help her and she was puking (a, does she have stomach capacity!) they boosted her off on me. I'm pretty sure she's out for the night, and I can only pray that the cleaning job I did plus liberal Febreeze will fight off the smell for the night. Gross. This makes me soooo glad I (1) don't like alcohol that much and (2) am such a lightweight that I'm totally buzzed LONG before I even approach vomit point. Cause, dude, that is SOOO not a nice birthday present.


Blogger Ed said...

Always have a trashcan handy. Having boot in the room is a profound tragedy. Hope things are better now!

6/05/2006 02:17:00 PM  
Blogger anna said...

Yes. Remind me to tell you about the night of two recycling bins sometime. YUCK.

6/05/2006 09:30:00 PM  

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