Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rain? What the hell?

As I type, it's POURING outside. What is this? I thought it only rained here in the winter! I have been LIED TO!! Seriously, guys, POURING. This weekend, I've been hanging out with Jess S. and Phine, one here from AZ, one who's here all the time, both friends from middle school, and it's been fun. We went to see the Stanford student film festival. One film in particular, entitled Animas, made me eternally terrified of Anna and Ed's EV apartment. It was a short (30 min) horror movie set mostly in an EV apartment, and it was SO GOOD. I have never been so scared in my life. I can only imagine what the director could do with a bigger budget and better actors. Incredible. We then hung out in Burbank with some of Phine's dorm friends, all of whom were very cool (if also mostly very drunk. Edward 40-hands was a main feature of the night, starting before we got there.). All in all, an excellent evening. There were magic tricks, psychology lessons, ninja dancing, and beanbag juggling. Drunk smart kids are really funny. I don't know if it's a Stanford specialty or not, but I'd imagine that the scene is very similar at any number of upper-crusty schools. When Stanford students drink lots and lots of beer, many of them start to talk about their classes. They'll give you anything from a detailed inventory of South American economics to an evolutionary psychologist's account of why guys talk about girls, and why being the subject of such conversations puts you at an evolutionary advantage. Then they tell you what their parents do for a living, what they're majoring in, what THEY plan to do for a living, and why. And then, of course, you also hear gems like, "Anna Ruby, is it boob time?"


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