Monday, January 31, 2005


No, that is not a type-o. This guy makes intensely over-complicated sculptures out of those foldey balloons. And I mean complicated. And HUGE. Think soccer balls the size of an old-school VW bug, with soccer players, a goal, and a bunch of grass to match. Wow. I'm getting all out of breath just thinking about it.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Oh Google, how I love thee...

Check it: Google Scholar.

Color Me Wonderful

This is so cool.

Saturday, January 29, 2005


Need a poem in a hurry? Better yet, have it turn your blog into poetry. After all... The end of chocolate. he floor watching the end of bureaucracy. Why my new yoga class. was still dark when I got up tomorrow untill nine or with J, Cl, K, and Last night, a repetitive theme, but she really Mumble. Happy Monday! Thank you. Thank you very much.

Oh, how I love thee

Demotivators. Such Joy.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Weebles Wobble but don't Fall Down

Despite the continuing interviews (at which I am starting to get quite good) things are going pretty well. I haven't had to speak to Ms. Jenkin inn a full two days, so how could they not be? My new yoga mat (orange with pink swirly things) is also a source of great joy. Under normal circumastances, the color combination would be altogether hideous, but since I only look at it in the semi-darkness before dawn and while contemplating my feet from downward facing dog, this is quite acceptable. Besides, it's almost as good as coffee. (OH, who am I kidding? It could never be as good as coffee. Coffee is god.) I'm a little fatigued at the moment, but I don't have to get up tomorrow untill nine or so, so that should solve the tired. Mumble. G'night. Happy Thursday.

Monday, January 24, 2005

My Marvelous Weekend

My weekend was marvelous. On Friday night, I hung out with J, Cl, K, and Ch, and we baked cake. Yes, we're weird. However, it was REALLY REALLY fun, and we're planning to make that particular group a regular thing. Of course, K wants to pick the day in an incredibly complicated way (the first and fourth Friday of even months and the third Friday of odd months). I vote for every other week, personally. It seems so much more logical. Plus, we'll totally forget the first fourth third thing. Claire's decided that the next time we do it the boys are going to build her bookshelves in her room, Kelsey and I are going to cook, and she's going to run back and forth directing us. Justin and Charlie want to go on a cook out. Kelsey wants to eat things made of chocolate. I personally vote for Cl's plan. Saturday involved Mexican food, High Heels and Low Lifes and Keva Juice (basically smoothies for the uninitiated). It was also delightful. Sunday I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. This morning I got up, as is becoming usual, for my pre-dawn yoga, and then went to school, and tonight I'm going to see Ellen play in an all cello concert in honor of her teacher, who's incredibly old and (I think) retiring. It should be good, plus, it's free. Yay for free! Here's hoping everything's peachy keen where you are.... Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Add it to the "school sucks" tally

I hate my counsellor. I know this is a repetitive theme, but I really really do. She's so...uncaring? cold? eeeeevil? Maybe all of the piercings have addled her brain, or maybe she was just born that way, but she really punches my buttons in the worst possible way. She makes me feel both incredibly angry and about six inches tall. Tiny angry people are very dangerous. Other than that, things are peachy keen. I'm really tired of applying to things. I'm ready to start getting into things instead. It seems like that will be much more fun. Luckily for me, we're getting to the point where I should start getting into things. I hope. Tufts interview tomorrow. I'm gonna wow 'em with my coolness. Or with whatever seems appropriate. And then Penn, Yale, and Harvard if he calls me, next week. I think that may be all, but who knows. This going out of town at the end of next week thing is really putting a cramp in my interview schedule. They ALL want to do it that week, and when I have three days here, two (to oneish) without things to do after school, it gets pretty crazy. I only hope I don't forget which interview is which. Somehow I think that telling Mr. Yale all the reasons I'm perfect for Harvard wouldn't go off very well. Just a hunch.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Billy Boy

Aww...isn't he just the cutest little nerd. And look at his COMPUTERS...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Pride and Prejudice-a-thon

Last night, a bunch of us watched the fabulous PBS adaptation of Pride and Prejudice at Claire's house. All six hours of it. I have only two words to describe it. Colin Firth *sigh*

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

In which I get up before Mom

Now that you've recovered somewhat from the state of shock into which my title surely sent you, I will explain. For some reason, I signed up for a crack of dawn (actually, pre-dawn is more accurate. It was still dark when I went in.) Yoga class. The class was nice, although they're going to make me get a Pima college ID, the indignity of which I had heretofore (Did I spell that right? Did I use that right?) avoided. Ahh well. One can't fight against a certain amount of bureaucracy. Why my driver's license is inadequate is anyone's guess. THAT at least couldn't be bought for $2 and 10 minutes in line. It was more like $20 and 3 hours in line. Not to mention tests and 3 forms of ID including my birth certificate. But whatever. All I know is that Trixi over at NW campus is going to have to take my picture and hit print before I can go to my next class. Iiiiidiot. (You MUST SEE Napoleon Dynamite if you didn't get that.) So now, since I got up a good three hours before I would otherwise have, I'm a good 3 hours tireder. I feel like I had WAY too much coffee and then flew all night. It's a curious sensation. So here's to bed: may it refresh us all.

How DARE they!

This article has roused our righteous fury. Mr Yetman is most annoyed. And, perhaps most significantly, I am WAY cooler than Rebecca Porter. I've NEVER ONCE spent an entire afternoon curled up like a pretzel on the floor watching "the fascinating social structures of ants." Or at least not in a good long while. Harumph.

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Amazing Non-Posting Blogger

Yeeeeaaaaah. Been a while. So today I'm driving back from another afternoon of "gee, we really meant to call you but we don't need you today" babysitting when my phone starts to do its thing. You know. The ring-a-ling thing. (Lame rhyme choice? Yes. Resistable rhyme choice? No.) When I pick it up, it's AM, my oldest (and usually weirdest) friend. She just seems to want to chat. Weird? Definitely. And that's about it on the me front. Oh, except for this news: my brain is still on vacation. Wheee...