Friday, February 25, 2005


Finally, I'm done printing copies of my absolutely kick-butt closing argument. I will cream anyone who stands in my way. That is, if I don't die of getting up so early as to make it to CDO by 6:45. TOO EARLY, I say! I am going to need a SERIOUS amount of caffeine. Also, I had my Yale interview today, and my (rather wispy) interviewer seemed not to want to tell me what he does for a living. He told me all sorts of other details, but every time we got close to his job, he deflected himself. Hmmm... perhaps he is a super secret spy. Like Sydney, only not so sexy.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Gold Glitter aside...

...this damn thing HURTS! My bottom retainer (the kind with a wire and cool glittery plastic) has a hurty thing on the left side. I can't really tell what it is or why it hurts. Hell, I can't even see that part of my mouth. All I know is that the top one is God and the bottom one sucks. Big time. I think I ought to call my orthodontist and complain. Maybe he can grind something off of it to make it nicer. Hmmm... I spent time in the mall today, (a blessedly rare occurence) and managed not only to get a fabulous deal on my new smock-trial ready blazer, but not to get severe mall-glaze. I actually feel ok. Huh. Weird. Now if only I could swallow without remembering the damn poky place in there....

Sunday, February 20, 2005


And now my finger hurts. Damn thee snagged nail.

DeNile is a river in Egypt

I am totally not thinking about the fact that Justin in an (apparent) fit of boredom, bought me ice cream last night. It was only slightly weird, as we spent the entire time talking about his camping trip with Charlie. As he is still walking Claire to her locker and her car daily for no apparent reason, I no longer fear for my status as atheist free of Mormon attachment. I am way above letting this be weird. I am not above letting him buy me ice cream, however. Or open doors for me. Tee hee.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Ooh...and the flowers were: * Tulip(yellow) - Hopeless love According to the internet. Too bad the Victorian language of flowers is dead and now means precisely nothing. They sure are pretty though....

What a Frabjous Day

Today was lovely. Lovely I tell you! I woke up, despite nightmares about having missed my alarm, right on time, went to yoga, and returned home to cereal and this sparkly gift. Right after that, I went to the orthodontist, and emerged two hours later completely braces free! I have the HUGEST most SHINY teeth EVER. They are marvelous. In one week I'll head back in to pick up my retainers (gold glitter for the bottom, and clear like an invisalign for the top), which I'll wear full time for a week, and after that only at night. Whee! Then I went back to school, which was only a slight letdown, as, joyfully, I'd already missed English. Then, when I picked up the mail, I got the letter telling me that I've made finalist status for National Merit... :-) The only weird (but nice) thing that happened today occurred when I got back from babysitting the little Maddens. When I had been home for about 10 minutes, who should ring the doorbell but Justin Hyatt and his bike. He brought me flowers. On his bike. And his bike broke on the way, so we had to fix it before he could leave. Sweet, if a little odd. So, I have teeth, chocolate, a pretty necklace, and flowers. Net positive for me!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

It's the spirit of the thing

CDO has been inundated with Valentine's Day mania. Canyon Singers are selling singing Valentines, DECA has balloons, the Varsity Cheerleaders have lip shaped lolliepops, GSA is selling chocolate kiss roses, and StuGo is selling Candygrams and carnations. It's oppressive! Oppressive I tell you! I can open a door without someone screaming my name and an entreaty to purchase something chocolatey or covered in roses. It's not without reason that Valentine's Day is the second largest card-selling holiday (second only to Christmas). But Christmas has "Bah, Humbug!" Where's my cynical exclamation? If ever there were a niche for a cynical saying, this is it....

Monday, February 07, 2005

SpiroGraph Math Fun

Remember these? Now you can make pretty spirally things without all of that inconvenient ink and plastic. Check it out. Surprisingly Math-y.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Organic HTML

This flash app is pretty cool, but sadly, plants "made" from blogs are not very exciting. I reccomend something like, or

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Today was senior ditch day. It was the most organized effort a senior class has made in many years, and consequently all of my classes were about 50% missing. Even Calculus. Yetman said he'd never have a BC class ditch like that. So things were already feeling pretty weird when I realized that Kelsey wasn't there. Naturally, I thought she'd ditched WITHOUT ME, and so, rather ticked, I called her cell. No answer. I called her house, no answer, left a cautious message, not mentioning the word ditch in case her mother was the first to get the messages. I then proceeded to my much-reduced English class. When I emerged from English, I noticed that someone had left me a message, and shockingly, I didn't know the number. I called my mailbox as we walked towards our lockers, trying to decide whether we should ditch government and go out to lunch or be good students and get the free extra credit she was sure to hand out in honor of our not having ditched. When the message started, I was sure that Kelsey was going to hate me. It was her mother. By her second sentence, I had stopped dead in my tracks. She knew where K was, in fact, she'd taken her there, early that morning. K had woken up in a lot of pain, and had been taken to the hospital with what might be appendicitis. The only problem was that it hurt on the wrong side for that particular ailment. She was to stay there, having tests, until they figured it out. In something of a daze, we went to government, and when school let out, I called Mom, who called the hospital. She was still in the ER, and was waiting for tests and a room. At orchestra, I was kind of distracted, and in the culmination of the spirit of the day, discovered I had my shirt on backwards. When I got home, K's mother had called again. Kelsey has had her appendix removed. Apparently it was infected, but, being Kelsey, she of course had the most obscure set of symptoms possible. She is to be released tomorrow. We've called off the backwards birthday so that she won't have to miss it. Besides, none of us had the energy or time for the appropriate preparations today. It's been a weird day.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Backwards Birthdays

Because the Arizona MVD employs only the least literate and intelligent portions of society, by government mandate, mistakes on driver's licenses are disconcertingly common. Usually, however, they are uninteresting and/or annoying. Like the time my permit said that I was 5'2" and weighed 95 lbs. In Charlie's case, the mistake is more, shall we say, useful. His birthday, the second of May, was printed backwards, as February 5th. Hence, I am throwing him a surprise backwards birthday celebration. We will, of course, have our cake first, sit under the table, and let the guests blow out the candles. However, I'm sure you could come up with more exciting details...any genius thoughts?