Sunday, July 31, 2005


I have just discovered that this page is rather thoroughly indexed by yahoo. Man. If you go to yahoo and you type in "Cupcake Nation," #'s 2 and 3 are both, not Cupcake Nation, but here. Or, if you type in "Mary [My last name], Cupcake." Now I have to decide if that bothers me. I guess I'm more easily found than I thought....

Monday, July 25, 2005

My computer got da funk.

My computer has computer funk. It keeps telling me plaintively that "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services encountered a problem and needed to close." And then it closes, and then it wants to send a report, and then it tells me again about Generic Host Process and its problems. Over and Over and Over. And also it won't download pictures from my camera or show me the "My Computer" window. The funk is monumental. I am able to bypass it by scootching the notice window waaaaay over to the side of the monitor until I can hardly see it, but this is not a permanent solution. Help. What is "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services? Why won't my computer let it run? Where did I get da funk? WHY WON'T IT LET ME HAVE MY PICTURES!?!?!?


Have just smashed foot into wall while breaking up dogfight. Maggie being sewn up, otherwise fine. Toe bleeding. Send presents.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

True to my word:

Cupcake Nation is up to date. And we have archives. Oh yes, archives.

Friday, July 22, 2005

I cannot feel my mouth.

I have been to the dentist, and for some reason, in order to paint the plastic-ey enamel stuff on my tooth, he numbed my lower lip. I cannot feel my mouth. It's very peculiar.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bum, da dum dum, DUM!

Things are boring here at the office. I have spent the last hour and a half doing exactly NOTHING. Before that, I spent several hours entering addresses into a table. Ctrl, C; Ctrl, V; Ctrl, X; Ctrl, V; Ctrl, X; Ctrl, V; tab; tab; Backspace: repeat. Over and over and over. 156 times. So. Incredibly. Dull. Man, I mean, I'm practically asleep just writing about it for you. *snore* The good news is that I can leave in 1/2 an hour with a completely clear conscience. It's the only bonus to being a total slave. I can leave when I want, and by god, I want to leave at 4. I am in mourning. It's really all my own fault. I knew I should have bought those Jack Johnson tickets when they first went on sale. Now, you can still get them, but they cost $240. Apiece. Holy Moly. I mean, I love me some Jack, but I don't love him THAT much. I think I love him up to, say $50 apiece. Maybe. But for $240 I'd better be sitting actually on the stage. Right next to the man himself. With champagne. And free chocolate.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Check it out...again!

If you haven't looked at Cupcake Nation lately, now's the moment. My new layout's gone live!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Remember the letter?

You all probably remember the letter I got last year from a couple of my asshat friends proclaiming to be Princeton and saying some mean mean shit about me. I've forgiven one of them, but the asshattier one has just gotten himself kicked the hell out of Mary-land. The jerk had the presumption to ask ME to apologize to HIM for making a joke about how I wouldn't go to Rice (the jerk's school or choice...Sorry Rice. Tough luck.) simply because my sig other (as much as I hate the phrase)was going there. It was mostly a joke about the weather, but he didn't so much get an apology. Because he had the asshattedness to bring up The Letter, I let loose on him. I don't think we're going to be friends. Oh yeah, and the jerk did it on IM. PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE SON OF A...Actually, I quite like his mother. If you want a transcript, Trillian logged it and I'll send it to you. I'm very eloquent. He's very asshatted.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

I tried so hard

I was so careful. When it came to the door in its green and white package, I didn't even open it for a whole half an hour. "I'll just take one look...and maybe read a chapter or two. I'm going to make it last this time." And then, three chapters later, I shut it. "That's enough. Now I'll take a break." Next thing I knew, I was on page 550 and there was really no point to even attempting to stop reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. That I was going to finish it today was a foregone conclusion. For those of you who are slower readers or who have less free time or more self control than do I, I'll say only this: It's really really good. It'll go faster than you think. It made me cry. Twice. And...well, let me know when you finish it. I'm dying here.

Friday, July 15, 2005


...have just spent 4 hours crosschecking a 10 page index. My brain is a total mush.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


I am at the office "working." Guys, Work is boring!

Monday, July 11, 2005

I have an announcement

For those of you who are familiar with my incredibly short-nailed-ness and my penchant for biting/picking at them, I have a shocking announcement. I officially now have nails which have reached such a new length that it is possible to click them upon a flat surface. This is positively unheard of. It feels very strange. That is all.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Wow. That'

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I have been very productive

I have worked on Cupcake Nation, I have knitted, and I have finished my thank you notes. Yay for me! Edit: Have patience with CN for a while...I'm working out some linking kinks. Hopefully, by morning here all will be well.... Edit Again: You will no doubt be proud to hear that I seem to have worked out my linking kinks. I have (of course, belatedly), now noticed that E says that doing the photo page by hand is hard. I can, unfortunately, confirm that this is the case. But I won. I think. *fingers crossed*.

Slight Progress...

...on CN. More to come.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Cupcake Nation... different again. Alas, it seems to be slightly too wide, which is annoying. I'll have to work on that. And I'm still pretty sucktastic with the CSS. I'll work on it though. I will conquer the beast! I will get comfortable with CSS!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

It's time for Pi

Wow. Talk about your useless things to remember. I mean, it's pretty unlikely that someone is going to need you to recite 83,431 decimal places of pi. Impressive, cool even, but pretty thoroughly useless.

You make me feel like dancing

Originally uploaded by madcoolninjas.
K and I went to Dennis Weaver park (or James D. Craig, if you want to get technical) last night and played on the playgound equipment. We drank watermelon Eegees and swung, and then K did a magical dance. It was really really fun.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Have just learned that if you drink a shot of peach tea and energy drink every time someone in the entire first season of Sex and the City says "sex," "date," or "single," you get a whole lot of caffeine. Felt like complete crap for 1.5 hours, now feel fantastic and completely incapable of sleep. Must go watch ceiling and twitch. Wheeeee! Gee whiz, won't tomorrow morning (or, actually, later this morning) be fun?