I know there's been a bit of a silence here. It has been everything but silent in the real world.
As you mostly know, I got into Stanford on Monday in a flurry of drama. It was waaay thrilling, and also awful. Never have I been so on edge!
Now, we're down to the nitty gritty of deciding where to go. The competition is down to University of Pennsylvania and Stanford. When the Stanford packet arrived (at last!) this morning, it finally hit me that this is all real. Really real. I will be LIVING in one of these places!! Ack!
Also, very exciting.
Tonight, I'm supposed to go with Charlie to the Greenfields art show, but from the echoing silence of my phone (except for Anne-Marie, who called and made sure I was coming and told me when the damn thing starts, which, I might add, Charlie had not.) I guess that I will be dropping in to see Anne Marie and then leaving. The word from the grapevine is that the boy's off flying kites with Justin. This is not a sufficient excuse. If he's bringing Justin, I'm calling in the big chatty guns: Kelsey and Claire. They (to quote the Fab Five) take any night from drab to FAB.
Later, I may be going to an as-yet-undecided movie with Claire and Kelsey. Oh, and my darling parents are heading to NYC this weekend, so I may have to come up with some really good weekend plans. Sadly, all that's really presented itself to date is reviewing for AP tests. Joy. Oh, and rehearsals for our quartet. (Ellen, Justin, Steven and I are going to play the Beatles in a string quartet at the annual CDO battle of the bands (Doradostock). We will be the curiosities of the evening. It will be AWESOME. We do not yet have a name, and we'll need a really good one at some point. Any ideas? We have a week until we have to know....)
SO that's me at the moment. Sorry I've been so lazy. It's just been so dramatic....