Saturday, April 30, 2005

Quick update....

Hey there all! A quick update from Stanford! Things are really really fun here. A little ummm,m planned, but fun! I'll tell you all in detail about the funness on Sunday, but right now, I have a date with a waffle machine.... ~m

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Muppets and Who?

I turned on our local PBS station, which, during the day at least, is all-Sesame all the time. The Sesame street monsters were fighting over who got to sing the alphabet song, when suddenly a tall, dignified black man walked in. "Surely that's not...I mean, doesn't he have better things to do?" But then he spoke and removed all doubt. "Who are you?" shrieked the monsters. "I am Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations," the man replied. Oh yes, yes he did. He taught a valuable lesson about working together. Kofi did. On Sesame Street.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

My Pretty...

Oh man it is so pretty I can hardly stand it. And it's MINE! I just got back from "babysitting" for NHS hours at CDO. We were the childcare for a parenting class in the MPR. There were 15 of us and 5 kids. Mostly I worked on my problem set with Kevin, the other BCer who was there. Then, on my way home, the kid whose parents like the Elkhorn and who also goes to Stanford called. On my cell. On the way home. I had nothing to say. It was kind of funny. He was nice, but it was possibly the most halting conversation I've ever had in my entire life. There was NO POINT! But still, very nice of him to call me, etc, etc. Tomorrow: Last BC Calc test EVER!!! (Exciting, and really sad. No more Yetman. I could cry.)

NEW (to me)

I heart the Magnetic Fields. Especially "Epitaph for my Heart." Caution Caution Caution To prevent electric shock Do not Do not Do not remove cover No user serviceable parts inside Refer servicing to qualified Service personnel...

Monday, April 25, 2005

A very large bowl

Mom just came back here to comfort me in my studying with the remains of a fruit salad. This, in itself, is not funny. The funny happens when I tell you that it's still in the big crystal bowl and I'm eating it with the GINORMOUS two-tined serving fork. It's like eating something Alice left.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Check these out. They're really cool.

Federalism, hi-YAH!!

I'm doing a Government "review project" (we're in teams of two and each team has a section of the material to review and then re-teach to the class) on Federalism. I have now made a really kick-ass outline of everything you'd ever want to know about Federalism in the context of the American system of government. And, as of tomorrow, we will have a cool poster with charts and graphs. (I use cool here in a slightly reduced context.) Keep me in mind for all of your Federalist needs. It really, really kicks ass.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Check this out! Can we go? Please?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Run and hide.

This is incredible. Kudos to the professor for being so completely terrifying. (I recommend downloading the option with "I trimmed out the actual educational part of the lecture and just left the 'good part.'" as its intro.)

Phun in Philly

Dad and I had an awesome time in Philly. I was hoping I'd hate it so that this whole decision would be easier, but no such luck. It was actually pretty cool, although I must say that the Stanford ProFro I've met were friendlier than the Penn ones. Also, the Stanford crowd seems much less worried about their qualifications. There was a lot of comparing of glory at Penn, and there's been very very little from Stanford. Also, I must confess, I've gotten kind of addicted to the Stanford Admit Website. It is a pit of time-wasting delight. Last night I bought my ticket to go to the Stanford Admit weekend, so that's become a lot more real. Yay! The only downside to being back is that I have to get back into the academic groove. Ugh. I just want it all to be OVER already!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Tonight, tonight...

I went to see the St. Greg's musical, which was the Wizard of Oz as it has never been seen before. Ian was fantabulous. "Silence, whippersnappers!" Charlie and I were rolling in the isles. The old people gave us dirty looks. It was very liberating. This morning and afternoon I volunteered at the "Relay for Life" a cancer benefit involving an awful lot of boy scouts. We managed to contain the little bastions of democracy, and even to catch a screening of The Incredibles in the process. Man that film is fit. Tomorrow I leave for the verdant paradise that is Philadelphia. I will be back Tuesday night, replete with tales of battles won and cities conquered. Or maybe only of classes sat in on and tours taken. One way or another, I will be replete. Until then, au revoir.

Friday, April 15, 2005

I am so addicted to:

This blog. I wish I had all of these super cool T-shirts. Also, I now want to try the DIY silk screening. If it's as easy as they make it sound, the world will have to get ready for a flood of "made by mary" shirts. Maybe even a delivery cupcakes prototype?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

In which I am the Pride of Amphi...again

Tonight, I was make the Pride of Amphi again. It was boring. But ice cream with Yetman and his decathletes afterwards was tons of fun. Otherwise, life is pretty uneventful. I am tired, and either allergic or coldey. As much as I'd like it to be allergies, it doesn't seem to respond well to antihistamine, so it's probably the dreaded cold. Ugh. What a drag. Oh, and tomorrow, our Beatles quartet is auditioning for Doradostock. A girl called me tonight to ask how many microphones we needed. I'm not sure she's got a firm hold on the concept yet. :-) We're sounding pretty good though, which is encouraging. It's on May 6th, and I'm hoping someone (probably someone related to Ellen) will tape it for your collective viewing pleasure. The sheer irony of our inclusion should make it interesting. I guarantee you we'll be the only "band" with a firm grasp on harmony.

Monday, April 11, 2005

To Prom or not to Prom: that is the question

I'm actually thinking the answer may be "not." I'm kind of sad about this, but M and D pretty much shot down the leaving Stanford early idea, so it may be all I'm left with. Kelsey and Claire will probably try to kill me, but I'll hold strong. It's not like I'll miss out on parties, as there will be tons at the Stanford thing. It's just that I'm slightly sad to miss my last shot at the whole "prom thing". Which is silly, since I always have to be convinced to go them anyhow. Oh well. As Mom points out, it's not like I've never been to a prom. And I don't even really like them. I'd rather go to parties in my converse than in uncomfortable (yet adorable) shoes. Plus: I think getting to know the potential Stanford kids is important to being sure that I'm making the right decision. And it will be fun. How could it not be? But still. Now playing: "The Blower's Daughter" and the new Jack Johnson, both of which MAKE MY DAY!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Sorry all...

I know there's been a bit of a silence here. It has been everything but silent in the real world. As you mostly know, I got into Stanford on Monday in a flurry of drama. It was waaay thrilling, and also awful. Never have I been so on edge! Now, we're down to the nitty gritty of deciding where to go. The competition is down to University of Pennsylvania and Stanford. When the Stanford packet arrived (at last!) this morning, it finally hit me that this is all real. Really real. I will be LIVING in one of these places!! Ack! Also, very exciting. Tonight, I'm supposed to go with Charlie to the Greenfields art show, but from the echoing silence of my phone (except for Anne-Marie, who called and made sure I was coming and told me when the damn thing starts, which, I might add, Charlie had not.) I guess that I will be dropping in to see Anne Marie and then leaving. The word from the grapevine is that the boy's off flying kites with Justin. This is not a sufficient excuse. If he's bringing Justin, I'm calling in the big chatty guns: Kelsey and Claire. They (to quote the Fab Five) take any night from drab to FAB. Later, I may be going to an as-yet-undecided movie with Claire and Kelsey. Oh, and my darling parents are heading to NYC this weekend, so I may have to come up with some really good weekend plans. Sadly, all that's really presented itself to date is reviewing for AP tests. Joy. Oh, and rehearsals for our quartet. (Ellen, Justin, Steven and I are going to play the Beatles in a string quartet at the annual CDO battle of the bands (Doradostock). We will be the curiosities of the evening. It will be AWESOME. We do not yet have a name, and we'll need a really good one at some point. Any ideas? We have a week until we have to know....) SO that's me at the moment. Sorry I've been so lazy. It's just been so dramatic....

Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Mini Update

Never fear: I will have a full update complete with all of the highlights of Prom 2005 v.1.0. For now, you must be happy with this: 1) It was great fun. 2) We ended up bringing our posse (ok, my posse and his sidekick). 3) There was very little romance. (And what there might have been was thoroughly thwarted by #2...) 4) It was still fun. 5) They got a much less rap-centric DJ than CDO has EVER had. This was a blessing, although it took some time to recover from the shock. 6) I love Charlie's Mom. 7) We're (who does this mean? I'm not really clear. We seem to be masters of the group pseudo date. OR nondate. Whatever) going to the Greenfields art show next weekend. 8) Claire is not speaking to Justin. This made the posse a little stressed out. Hope that'll hold you over. I'm so sleep-short that it's about all I can do. Actually, my second wind is kicking in, but I dare not let it. If I do, I'll never get rid of it and I'll be soooo sorry tomorrow morning when yoga rolls around.